Monday, September 04, 2006

Internet Headlights Make Product Introductions Shine

Democracy in the marketplace is increasingly shaping the aspects, roles and popularity of products with the use of the internet. While this is not an amazingly astute observation, a pause for the moment to consider these developments can help direct future initiatives. Market researchers always understood this power: conjoint analysis has consumers assign degrees of attractiveness to various aspects of a product concept. With the internet, more and more people are anxiously willing to take polls, provide product reviews, write articles, adding their opinions, ideas and power to almost anything from the academics of Wikipedia to the electronicc reviews on cnet. P&G harnesses these views in seeking new product ideas, movie production companies build advance word-of-mouth through planned dialogues and politcial consultants endlessly poll, promote and raise money. Now, if you've got a new product, that is largely unknown, an interesting question is how you can build awareness, shape its introduction and secure its popularity by focusing on the relentless democracy of the internet marketplace. Unique points of difference can shine when consumers themselves turn on the light.

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