All of us are so similar in our differences.
It’s the Jordache, L.L. Bean, Gap, Gloria Vanderbilt, Calvin Klein and, of course, Humanity approach.
In the Wall Street Journal, Robert Lee Hotz neatly summarizes the impact and non-impact of variations in our DNA.
The Max Planck Institute reported that any one of 11 variations in a single gene can make it harder for common anti-depressants to adjust serotonin.
The University of Alabama reports that any one of 9 variations in another gene can double the risk of lupus.
The US, China and the UK have jointly launched the 1000 Genomes Project in which scientists will exhaustively detail the DNA of 1000 people from around the world, producing 60 times as much genetic detail in the three years than all of that produced in the previous 25 years.
In her book, The Human Condition, Hannah Arendt defines vita active (active life) as composed of labor, work and action in the political, social, public and private worlds.
In his book, The Human Comedy, William Saroyan illustrates how the grounded-ness of a well-rounded human support system of Homer Macauley enables him to live a full and fulfilled life
With all this data about who we intrinsically are, physically, socially and spiritually, the challenge remains on understanding and developing pills, products and ideas to continue to help us survive and thrive.
At SmartAnalyst, we are evolving an approach called Life-Profiles ™ where we can combine the best of consumer/patient, scientific and commercial research to provide pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare companies with an understanding of their ultimate target, us.
At Warner-Lambert, we used to have a saying that The Patient Is Waiting. The world is waiting for help with better vaccines, better courses of therapy and better care.
Understanding the complexities of genes and psychologies is so critical to this success that Life-Profiles is designed to help shine a light on who we are, creating a real blend of both scientific and psychological insight.
In his The Actor’s Studio, Lee Strasberg refined and taught method acting as way in which actors would recall real, personal emotions to help them get inside the personalities of their characters.
Life-Profiles is all about getting inside the life of our patients, both physically and emotionally. That is our motivation.